The Real Face of Moses - Discover the Language of the Bible

The Real Face of Moses
Discover the Language of the Bible

Did Moses Have Horns?!

Michelangelo's Statue of 'Moses' is a perfect example of the tragic consequences of mistranslating the Bible. The Statue shows Moses with horns on top of his head holding the tablets of Law. For centuries, millions of people around the world have wrongly believed that Moses – and all Jews – have horns on their heads! How did this happen?! 

This is actually a mistake caused by translation. The verse that describes Moses descending from Mount Sinai describes his face and expression with the Hebrew word קרן. However, this word can be read in two different ways: "Keren" (קֶרֶן) which means "a horn" and "Karan" (קָרַן) which means "shone/was radiant". In fact, the verse actually says “he was not aware that his face was radiant (karan) because he had spoken with the Lord.”! (Exodus 34:29)

To grasp the real and powerful meaning of Scripture, get rid of translation and learn the original Hebrew of the Bible for yourself. Enroll in our upcoming Biblical Hebrew online course now!