Why did Adam and Eve lose their garments of light?
The Hebrew word for "skin" is "OR" (עוֹר): spelled "ayin-vav-resh". The Hebrew word for "light" is also "OR" (אור) but spelled “aleph-vav-resh”. Originally, God clothed Adam and his wife in garments made of celestial light. Why did they lose them?
Here comes the beauty of Hebrew: the whole story is in the letters! Hebrew words for light and skin differ in one letter only: aleph for light and ayin for skin. The numeric value of aleph is 1 and of Ayin is 70. The difference between them is 69, represented by the Hebrew letters Samech (ס) and Tet (ט). The root of the word samech means “to lean upon”, “to support”. The pictograph for tet looks like a snake. By leaning upon the snake, Adam and Eve lost their garments of light (אור) and had to be clothed in garments of skin (עוֹר).
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