Jewish Gospels and
Beyond Course

“Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to explore the ‘Jewish Context of the Book of Revelation’, ‘Hebraisms in the Gospels’, ‘Jesus Christ in the Feasts of Israel’ among other topics covered! You will come back wanting more. I guarantee it.”
Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg,
Research Professor of Ancient Cultures Head of Jewish Studies Department

Get introduced to relevant
Jewish history, literature, and culture

Significantly deepen your knowledge of the Jewish theological, historical, linguistic and archeological backgrounds of the New Testament. Study new research and interpretive tools that will enable you to better understand the Old and New Testaments.

Learn with one of Israel’s leading
New Testament scholars

The faculty for this course was carefully chosen by Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg, Head of Jewish History Department at eTeacherBiblical. It now boasts some of the best and the brightest multi-lingual lecturers that concentrate their studies in the history of the Early Jesus movement in its original Jewish setting.

Implement your knowledge

The knowledge acquired from the Holy Scriptures is never really just knowledge. This course will give you a new perspective on the issue of Christian-Jewish relations in the 21st century and will ensure that you will not be the same person you were when you first started.